
JavaScript is a programming language that is designed to enhance web applications. Since it’s release, programmers have been learning and contribute to the pool of frameworks that make writing code easier. AngularJS is one of those frameworks that has proven to be a very powerful. AngularJS that has the ability to two way bind data, create beautiful single page applications, and provides tons of functions for the programmer.


AngularJS was initially created by two Google employees: Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons. The two employees originally called the framework ‘GetAngular’, save web programmers more interaction between the front and back end of the application.

Eventually Hevery had to work on a different project for Google called Feedback. over the course of 6 months there was 17,000 lines of code written for this program, making it increasingly difficult to test. This drove Hevery to rewrite the software but this time using his part of the GetAngular project from earlier. With GetAngular he was able to turn the initial 17,000 lines of code into just 1,500 in 3 weeks. With this massive rework and elimination of lines of code his manager took interest in GetAngular which would lead Google to start heavily development into Angular.js. [Austin] Over the years, AngularJS would turn into a framework monolith in the JavaScript community. The ability to create single page applications in just a couple hundred lines of code was incredible.

MVC (Model, View, Controller)

A Model-View-Controller architecture is a design pattern for software engineers to help separate the functionality of a application. The application can be separated into 3 main sections.


This section handles how the user data is handled. The data could come from the user or a database. The Model could be considered the JavaScript or any language that will do logical manipulation.


The view section is responsible for handling anything the user will visually see. The user interface logic could get data from the controller and send data to the model. The View is usually the HTML.


The controllers of the MVC architecture act as a interface for the view and model sections. The controller will manipulate data that has came from a model or some other source and send it back to the model and view . [TutorialspointAngularMVC] [TutorialspointAngular]

AngularJS MVC

Download Button for AngularJS [Angular]_

Starting development in AngularJS is simple and easy. Go to and finding the version of AngularJS you want. When you find the version you like then grab the URL of the file and stick it in your HTML file. [Angular]

Adding the script for AngularJS
 <!-- The src= is where the URL goes-->
<script type="text/JavaScript" src=""></script>

Then you need to be worried about the global namespace that Angular uses. The framework has tons of preset global variables which could interfere with your JavaScript.

Global Namespace

While creating a HTML document you can incorporate many JavaScript libraries to enhance the document. One fear is that the JavaScript can override each other if they share similar named variables in their global namespace. consider the following examples:

Global Namespace Example 1
var person = 'Adam';
var class = 'Advanced Web Development';

function getInfo(){
    return person + ' ' + class;
Global Namespace Example 2
//This will print log 'Mike' even though in the other
//file 'Adam' was in the person variable

var person = 'Mike';


The function in the beginning declares person as ‘Adam’ but prints ‘Mike’ when the function is called in the 2nd file. This is because of the global namespace. This is very important to know and understand before delving to far into AngularJS. As mentioned before, AngularJS comes with a ton of pre-defined variables in the global namespace which can get messy, causing errors and bugs. To combat this the user will have to create their own namespace. One way to create your own namespace is by treating globals you may want to use as a JSON variable.

JSON namespace
var myNamespace = {};

myNamespace.person = 'Mike';


This Example will no longer use the global namespace in the first example and the function should now return ‘Adam’ as intended. This concept will be very important for dealing with AngularJS. [Alicea]

AngularJS Features

AngularJS offer’s so many features that it makes development easy. In Angular the MVC is easy to understand with just a little example.

Making your HTML document a AngularJS Model
<!--This is the View-->
<html lang="en-us" ng-app="myApp">

Adding the ‘ng-app’ is Angular’s way of specifying a model/module the programmer will be able to control in JavaScript. You can name it what ever you want, it just has to be the same name in the JavaScript.

JavaScript of declaring a AngularJS Module
// This is Model
// The [] in the parameters is a array of dependencies for Angular to work
// with. You can get other services from the website and
// include them in this array ex 'ngHttp' will allow you to use the
// $http service in the module
// The first parameter is the name you used in the HTML attribute ng-app
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

This code will create a variable which is linked to the DOM (Document Object Model). This variable will be how you control the specified HTML document. Now you may want to manipulate it somehow. This is where the controller part of the MVC comes in.

JavaScript of declaring a Controller
// This is the Controller
myApp.controller('mainController', function(){});

And before this controller will work with anything you must hook it up somewhere in the HTML.

HTML for connecting a Controller
<!--This is where the controller in the myApp.js is connected to --->
<div ng-controller="mainController">

Now you have a controller which you can write code in the function block in the parameters and manipulate the DOM. This is a simplified version of the AngularJS MVC model. Notice in the two code examples above that the ng-controller attribute value matches the string in the 1st parameter in the JavaScript code. [Alicea]


AngularJS is a fantastic framework for binding data in the JavaScript and the HTML DOM. The user of a website can change something in the HTML via a textbox or some field and it will directly change the JavaScript too. AngularJS makes this easy! consider the following:

Sample HTML for data-binding
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us" ng-app="myApp">
        <title>AngularJS Example</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">

        <div class="container">
            <div ng-controller="mainController">
                <!-- Angular looks for {{}} and replaces it with anything
                you want to put there. currently there is a
                string called name in the middle of the curly braces
                which will have to match name of the variable in the
                JavaScript you wish to fill it with-->
                    <label>Please enter your name:</label>
                    <input type="text" ng-model="name" />
                    <h1>Your name: {{name}}</h1>

<script type="text/JavaScript" src=""></script>
Picture of what the HTML Shows

There is a lot going on in this sample code. in the container div there is a ‘ng-controller’ attribute which we will link to the JavaScript so we can start manipulating the DOM. This code will connect the two together:

Connecting to the DOM with AngularJS
myApp.controller('mainController', ['$scope','$timeout',function($scope,$timeout)
    //$timeout is AngularJS service that can wait x amount of milliseconds
    //before performing a function, in this case I wanted to demo how
    //the two way data binding worked
Picture of the HTML after connecting the JavaScript

A question that may arise is what is ‘$scope’. It is important to know that AngularJS prefixes all their variables with either $ or $$ so that the programmer can include more frameworks if they wish. This would help mitigate conflicting names. The $scope variable represents a service offered by AngularJS. There are a whole collection of services that are offered and can be found at for documentation. The $scope is how Angular ‘talks’ to the DOM.

Single Page Application (SPA)

Creating a multi-page application can be difficult and costly on the client’s browser and the server serving the web pages. AngularJS solves this problem by dynamically changing the users view in the same web page. This eliminates the need to get another web page from the server and doesn’t bring along the annoying page stuttering when navigating to a different page.

AngularJS bundles all the code and views into one package and will dynamically load code based on what view the user is currently in. This makes the work load lighter on the server which speeds the website up significantly. Angular takes advantage of the client’s computer to load the information on the website.

Testing the web application also becomes much easier when there is only one page to test. This will allow testing suites to more easily test the web application when the development team deploys a new build. This also means rolling back changes is also easy, since everything is bundled together. [Rajput]

Lets take a look on how AngularJS can dynamically change what the user will see. We can add this snippet of code to our HTML file we have from above in the body. It will create 3 links that will let the user change a field in the document.

Sample HTML for Routing in AngularJS
<a href="#/!">Default</a>
<a href="#!Test1">Switch Routes!</a>
<a href="#!Test2">Try a 3rd time</a>
<div ng-view></div>

There is also another AngularJS script needed to make it all work.

CDN for AngularJS $routeProvider service
<script type="text/JavaScript" src=""></script>

Next we need to add a route to our myApp module so AngularJS knows how to navigate through the different potential html pages.

JavaScript to create AngularJS Routes
//Add "$ngRoute" into the [] when you create the module
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ["ngRoute"]);
//This will inject the ngRoute dependency into the module which is not
//included into the default AngularJS library

   .when("/", {
       template : "<h1>Default View</h1> <p> This is the default</p>"
       template : "<h1>Clicked 2nd link!</h1> <p> This is the 2nd sample page!</p>"
    .when("/Test2", {
       template : "<h1>Clicked 3rd link!</h1> <p> This is the 3rd sample page!</p>"
Picture of the HTML no linked clicked Picture of the HTML after 2nd linked clicked Picture of the HTML after 3rd link clicked

Earlier when we declared our myApp module the empty array in the parameter list was empty. This is how Angular will inject dependencies into the module (see line 2). These dependencies are usually more services that do not come with AngularJS by default. When working with the routing services we have to get the service delivered through a content delivery network (CDN).Then inject it into our application before we can use it.

Once we have our service we can connect the navigation links in the HTML DOM with our JavaScript to make the magic happen. AngularJS will look at what the URL and then manipulate the DOM based on what it finds. Lines 8 - 14 in listing 13 will look for those specific url extensions and will insert the string of HTML that follows the template into the ng-view attribute in the HTML document. [W3SchoolsAngular]

Chaining Promises = Complicated

AngularJS has some really incredible services and features, one of them being the ability to chain functions together with a concept called called promises. This is important because JavaScript is asynchronous and you aren’t really guaranteed an order of operation in some parts of the code. AngularJS can handle many events that may transpire while getting information over some kind of call over the internet. Here is a very simple example:

Exmaple of Promise chaining
function returnStudentMajors(){
return $http.get("Some url to get data")
        //do something
        //do something

This is a simple use of a promise but it can get really complicated when you start chaining them together as follows:

Exmaple of Promise chaining
$http.get("Some url to get data").then(function(data){
    //do something
    //do something
    //do something
//You can chain this for as long as you have stuff to do on the data

It is not important to understand what the $http service is doing in this example, but how the chaining can go on and on because every call returns an object which the programmer can call methods from the returned object. Some chains can get very complex but it can be very powerful. [Strahl]

Disadvantages of AngularJS

AngularJS has a lot of complexity to the framework. One of the annoyances is having to allow JavaScript on your browser to be able to see the AngularJS application. With out JavaScript permissions the page will simply not load. Another major complexity will be the hierarchy of directives that the programmer will have to learn to make optimal use of AngularJS.

AngularJS uses a MVC concept to create single page applications which could be very intimidating and hard if the programmer is not familiar with the concepts before hand. Another confusing aspect is keeping the scopes organized between the views in the web application. Each scope will contain different information depending on what view the user is currently in. [Rajput]


Web development has become one of the hottest areas of tech in today’s world. With the increasing demand for web programming companies have spent tons of money on developing frameworks that use JavaScript. AngularJS is one of those frameworks that emerged because a company had some employees that found a purpose from a small side project. Utilizing AngularJS’s plethora of services the programmer has everything they need to create a well designed and optimal single page application.


[Alicea](1, 2) Anthony, Alicea “Master AngularJS (Essential JavaScript Concepts) ” Udemy, Anthony Alicea, Web 4/9/2019
[Angular] “Architecture overview “version 7.2.12-local+sha.d727561, Google, Web 4/2/2019
[TutorialspointAngular] “AngularJS - Overview “Web 4/2/2019
[TutorialspointAngularMVC] “MVC Framework - Introduction ” Web 4/4/2019
[W3SchoolsAngular] “AngularJS Routing” Web 4/16/2019
[Austin]Andrew Austin “An Overview of AngularJS for Managers. ” Andrew Austin, 14 Aug. 2014
[Strahl]Strahl, Rick. “AngularJs and Promises with the $Http Service. ” Rick Strahl’s Web Log, Rick Strahl, Web 4/10/2019
[Rajput](1, 2) Rajput, Mehul “The Pros and Cons of Choosing AngularJS. ” JAXenter, 21 Mar. 2016